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Trainer survey

How do we ensure support for those with training roles?

The trainer survey is relatively new (four years old) and feedback is invaluable to us in supporting trainers in their roles. We are beginning to build up comparisons with previous years as time goes on which allows us to analyse the data more comprehensively and we also compare the results against the trainee survey to see if it correlates. In this way we can identify any struggling areas and ensure that relevant support can be provided to enable trainers to fully undertake their roles.

How will my feedback be used as a trainer?

Once the survey results are in, the Quality Unit carries out a series of scrutiny meetings to consider them. During these meetings the survey results are reviewed alongside the trainee survey results and in light of other evidence sources that may exist so that we can see where there may be new areas of concern, improvements or deterioration. Risk logs are updated and shared with local education providers, who are asked to review all areas of concern and provide us with further feedback to enable us to contextualise the results. You may have contact from a faculty lead or programme director as part of this process. Once we have received all the updates we differentiate those risks which require further action from those for which further action is not necessary.

Questions you might have as a trainer about the training surveys:

  • If my department is put on Heath Education and Improvement Wales' (HEIW) risk log will it remain for a fixed period like a black mark against the training site?
    No. While a training concern may be added to the risk log following the surveys (or on the presentation of other evidence) there is no set time that the department will remain on the risk log. This is down to investigation and triangulation of evidence and improvement of any areas of concern. If, after initial investigation, the concern is found to be resolved then the risk entry will be closed down. For example, if trainers and/or trainees have been interviewed and no concerns have been raised, it may be possible to close the risk following the initial investigation. Where concerns remain, the issue will remain on the monitoring log and the department will be asked to provide a summary update three times per year. Where there are concerns these are taken forward through HEIW’s targeted process.
  • If my site has a risk entry will I have to undergo a full targeted visit?
    No, not necessarily. Issues are investigated by the faculty lead, in conjunction with other relevant parties such as the programme director, GP associate dean and/or foundation programme director. You may be asked to provide your faculty lead with some further evidence or they may ask to meet with you or your trainees or for you to arrange a meeting with your trainees to gather some more feedback. If it is decided that your site does need a visit, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Visits allow us to work with Faculty teams in firming up action plans and monitoring progress together and can result in better communication and liaison, which ultimately means that the concerns will be resolved more quickly.
  • How does this link in with end of placement feedback?
    Where issues are highlighted in the trainee survey the Quality Unit will also review other evidence sources including end of placement feedback to triangulate evidence.
  • Will I be informed when the risk is removed from the register?
    Where risks are closed we will notify the faculty lead and Medical Education Centre and they will let you know.

What if my department doesn’t have any results?

In situations where there are fewer than three trainers or trainees who complete the survey at a site results will not show on the survey to protect the privacy of individuals. However, feedback can still be collected via end of placement feedback or through regular meetings with trainees.

How can I access the results?

Results of both surveys for each year can be found on the GMC national summary report website. You can also use this link to review the General Medical Council’s (GMC) ‘initial findings’ report to see the themes from trainees and trainer feedback each year. In the last survey more than 70,000 trainees and trainers took part in the surveys across the UK. The response rates in Wales were 97.5% for trainees against a UK average of 94.6% and a trainer response rate of 61.6% against a UK average of 44.8%. The higher a response we get the more useful the surveys are to us.

Survey results are displayed via a series of indictors with scores compared against the national average and are reported in quartiles with positive and negative outliers represented by red and green in the results tables. Should you need any help navigating the reporting tool please get in touch with us at HEIW QA and we would be happy to help you.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions about the survey or HEIW’s quality management process please get in touch with us at HEIW QA and we will be happy to assist you.

Trainer Survey

Trainers: Have Your Say On Your Training Role

What’s it all about?

The survey is an opportunity for you to give us feedback on areas such as whether you have time and an appropriate workload to train, as well as telling us about your development needs as a trainer. In addition, you can use the completion reference number as evidence of your commitment to participating in systems of quality assurance and quality improvement in your appraisal.

Who is this relevant for?

The survey is relevant for the following groups:-

Educational Supervisors:
In secondary care this refers to those who have signed up to the Educational Supervision Agreement and in primary care this refers to GP Trainers.
Named Clinical Supervisors:
Those Clinical Supervisors who oversee a trainees’ work throughout the post and are involved in progress decisions.

How are the results used?

  • data used to identify whether specific areas are causing particular concerns across one Health Board/Trust/Practice or a particular specialty.
  • trainer results triangulated with trainee results to identify common themes.
  • trainer survey results used to inform quality visits and trainers invited to attend visits as standard practice.
  • local faculty teams asked to review areas of concern raised via the trainer survey.

When and how do I fill in the survey?

The GMC will launch the survey on 19 March 2024. The survey will be open for completion for four weeks until 2 May 2024.

You can access the survey through your GMC Online account.

If you haven’t used GMC Online before, your account can be activated for you just by answering a few simple questions when you first log in. There is always a check of information that the GMC already hold to confirm who you are.

You can activate your account via GMC managing your registration.

Educational Supervisors:
In secondary care this refers to those who have signed up to the Educational Supervision Agreement and in primary care this refers to GP Trainers.
Named Clinical Supervisors:
Those Clinical Supervisors who oversee a trainees’ work throughout the post and are involved in progress decisions.

All responses will be treated in confidence and reported anonymously. The results will be made available to the public by the GMC from summer 2024 (date tbc).

Where can I find out more?

For more information about the Trainer Survey please contact us at HEIW QA